Prism Publications

The Global Convetion on Biological Diversity as well as the Indian Biodiversity Act (2002) give explicit recognition to community conservation. The Indian Act also privides for recognizing and rewarding contributions of tribal and rural families to both in situ and ex situ conservation of valuable biodiversity. Sacred groves constitute an important community approach to conserving plants and trees of spiritual, economic and ecological value. The Biodiversity Act provides an opportunity to local communities for declaring sacred groves as heritage sites. Therefore this books is timely publication.

The authors of various chapters are outstanding scholars and leaders in the field of ethnobotany. The book has therefore the stamp of authoritative expertise and experience. In particular, we are indebted t Drs. Madhav Gadgil and V D Vartak for their scholarly analysis of our heritage in the area of community conservation. The book clearly brings out the symbolic relationships between cultural diversity and biodiversity. In hope it will be widely read since it can make us proud of our ancient conservation heritage.

Prof. Vartak has devoted his while life to bringing to light the vast knowledge available in our country, particularly with local communities, in the field of ethnobotany. His work on sacred groves along with Prof. Madhav Gadgil will always remain a classic.

I am happy that through this book we are able to express our great admiration, gratitude and regard to Prof. Vartak for opening eyes to the commitment to conservation embedded in our spiritual and cultural heritage.

M S Swaminathan.

UNESCO Cousteau Chair in Ecotechnology & Chairman
M S Swaminathan Research Foundation
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